Remote Security Management now in Arabic

Remote Security Management now in Arabic

The Remote Security Management course on Mission Ready is now available in Arabic.

The course introduces learners to a range of tools to manage security remotely at each phase of a project – from design to closure.

They are then transported, through video-simulation technology, to the war-torn nation of Zabadin – a fictional Middle Eastern country – to respond to a cholera outbreak with the fictional NGO Health Emergency International.

Faced with a series of dilemmas, learners must apply their newly-acquired knowledge to take tough security decisions under time pressure and in coordination with team-mates in headquarters and field offices.

The Arabic translation means that Arabic-speaking NGO workers and local personnel will be able to access and complete Remote Security Management training which demonstrates how to effectively bridge the distance between headquarters, regional and field offices in order to manage organisational security.

Mission Ready was developed by RedR UK and Digital Training Solutions (DTS), with financial support from the Department for International Development (DfID) and the Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA-USAID).

For more information, visit Mission Ready

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