This week sees the launch of HostileWorld; a new interactive training platform that uses Near-Life™ technology to revolutionise hostile environment training.
The site will allow journalists, aid workers and others stationed overseas to access crucial skills and knowledge that will save lives.
Digital Training Solutions (DTS) have partnered with the Resilience Advisors Network and lead security company Blue Mountain Group to develop content that allows individuals to test their skills via filmed, interactive learning scenarios. The team have also worked closely with staff deployed through UK Aid, the Department for International Development’s rescue teams, to ensure the material is as relevant as possible to those going on mission.
Using real actors and filmed on location, the Near-Life™ interactive scenarios give learners a taste of the security situations they’ll most likely encounter in the field. As in real-life, they must make quick decisions or the scenario proceeds, with decisions made on their behalf.
Hostile environment training (HEAT)
Hostile environment training is designed for individuals working in or travelling to potentially dangerous or unsettled regions and territories. Traditionally provided for international journalists, oil and gas contractors, government employees or NGO/humanitarian aid workers, the training, until now, has required extensive time away.
HostileWorld changes all that by providing flexible and cost-effective access to training that can be delivered remotely. In addition, it makes high quality training available to people internationally who previously may not have been able to access it, such as local colleagues.
Improve awareness. Build resilience.
The platform has been designed as a central resource for learning materials related to security and other areas of risk. The aim is to provide anyone who works or manages personnel in challenging environments and difficult situations access to a variety of interactive courses to help them stay safe in some of the world’s most insecure locations.
HostileWorld’s flagship course: Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT), has been developed to support a variety of sectors that deploy personnel, or work with local agents, in hostile or environments. The course introduces learners to strategies for staying safe whilst on mission in order to improve awareness and build resilience.
The HEAT course on HostileWorld is ideal for anyone working in or about to deploy to an insecure territory, anyone who has already done a face-to-face hostile environment training course and is looking to refresh their learning or local personnel who are unable to attend face-to-face training.
In 2019, HostileWorld was re-branded as Resilience Academy. To find out more or to register for HEAT training, visit Resilience Academy at: