How to add an AI chatbot to your interactive content with Near-Life  - Near-Life

How to add an AI chatbot to your interactive content with Near-Life 

Near-Life’s new no-code AI chatbot tool allows you to add a chatbot to your interactive video quickly and easily. Here’s how to do it.

Add a chatbot to the scene:

To add a chatbot to your video, go to the node to which you want to add the chatbot. Go to the overlay section and click the icon that looks like a robot. This will add a chatbot to the scene. You can move it to wherever you want it on the screen. 

Change the name and profile image:

Give your chatbot a name and upload an image in the media tab if you want to change the icon that represents the bot. Then select it under ‘profile image’. You can leave it as the existing icon if preferred, in which case you have the option to change its colour. 

Choose whether to make the chatbot universal for the scenario:

If you want the chatbot throughout the scenario, you can select this option underneath the character’s name. This means the character you create in this initial scene can be used throughout the scenario, keeping all of the features and contextual knowledge you give it. 

Add a welcome message:

You can choose for the chatbot to give a welcome message when the chat begins. This could be an introductory message saying what its purpose is and how it will help the end-user. To do this, type a message under the ‘welcome message’ section. 

Choose its character:

Click on the character tab and you’ll see the option to decide the role, gender and personality type of the chatbot. You can also add any additional details. Tell the chatbot what it’s role is, such as a guide or a salesperson. Personality type will dictate how the chatbot will communicate and its tone. For the Valentine’s video, we told the chatbot to be friendly, cheesy and romantic. You can add any additional information in the final tab.

Decide their knowledge:

Under the knowledge tab, you can tell the chatbot any knowledge they need. For example, you can tell it about a service or product that your organisation sells. It can then use this information when the end-user is asking questions. 

Give them context:

Under context, you can decide the purpose of the chatbot and add any specific details. For the Valentine’s day video, we told the chatbot its purpose is to help people pick the right Valentine’s gift for their partner using the information they tell you. You can add any specific details in the box below this. You can also change the degree of difficulty in gaining specific details from the character. Finally, you can add any additional details you might not have mentioned yet.

Test the chatbot:

Below all these tabs, you’ll have the option to test the character you’ve created. Under the query section, type out a question the end-user may ask the chatbot. You’ll then get an example of the type of answer the chatbot will give. If you’re not happy with the response, you can edit the settings you’ve given the bot and add any extra information it will need to give the desired answers. 

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