Happy Halloween from Near-Life - Near-Life
Blog, Vyond

Happy Halloween from Near-Life

Here at Near-Life, we’re big fans of Vyond, the online tool that lets you quickly and easily create your own animated videos. We love experimenting with new ways to make these animated videos interactive using the Near-Life platform – like this interactive game we created for Halloween: 

It was fun making this game, which uses a range of Near-Life CREATOR’s standard features, like branching scenarioshotspots and buttons. But it also employs some of Near-Life’s advanced game authoring functionality, which is only available to CREATOR+ users, such as inventory and conditions.

And while this Halloween game is – of course –  just a bit of fun, the possibilities for gamifying your content when pairing Vyond with Near-Life can have a serious impact. 

For example, we recently conducted a webinar with the Vyond team on Gamifying Training Videos with Near-Life, in which we discussed the different ways you can use our tool to gamify your content and make it more engaging and memorable. 

Interested in creating your own interactive videos and gamified content?

Successfully complete the Halloween game above for a spook-tacular prize that might come in handy… Then you can book a demo with a member of our team or begin your free trial to start using Near-Life to make your own videos interactive.

Need to find out more? Get in touch with our team.

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