International, immersive NGO courses launched on HostileWorld | NearLife

NGO courses launched on Resilience Academy

NGO courses developed as part of USAID and DFID funded project

This week we launched international, immersive NGO courses; Field Security Management and Remote Security Management, for the humanitarian sector on our interactive learning platform Resilience Academy. The new courses are specifically designed for aid workers operating in areas of security risk.


Using our Near-Life™ technology the courses use real time interactive video, decision making and feedback for an immersive and more engaging learning experience. The courses represent a more affordable, sustainable, elearning solution for security training.

We developed our NGO courses alongside experts from the humanitarian sector, including project partners RedR UK and a steering group including the likes of Oxfam, Save the Children, World Vision and many others.

The courses were initially hosted on the donor-funded platform ‘Mission Ready’ but have been consolidated on to provide a single destination, along with our online HEAT course, for interactive learning in this space.


Designed for field-based staff in a humanitarian response or hostile environment, the Field Security Management course is available in English, French, Spanish and Arabic. Set in a fictional East African country, the aim is for learners to practice behaviours and protocols that will become the automatic response of all humanitarian staff working in the field.

Available in English and Arabic, the Remote Security Management course is designed for remote security managers, staff whose security is remotely managed and security focal points. Security challenges, decisions and practical actions are vital for those working remotely.  The course works to address communication gaps between the organisation HQ, regional HQ and field staff – ensuring communication doesn’t hinder effective decision making.

Interactive, immersive learning

To test knowledge, learners are presented with security challenges in which they must make a decision under time pressure, as they would do in the field.

Each scenario unfolds based on the learners decisions; this mimics how fast things can change, and the effect that decisions have, in the real world.

The engaging courses allow security training to be more realistic and relevant to the field – something which is crucial for the humanitarian sector.

The courses are already being accessed in over 30 countries around the world.

World map highlighting where HostileWorld NGO courses are used.

  • 93% of users said the learning materials were good or excellent
  • 81% said the courses were relevant or highly relevant and
  • 100% would recommend to others

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