G-Cloud 10 Supplier Status for DTS and Near-Life

G-Cloud 10 Supplier Status for DTS

DTS is now a cloud-based software supplier to the G-Cloud 10 framework on the Digital Marketplace.

The framework, currently in its 10th iteration, is an agreement between the government and suppliers who provide cloud-based services in three categories: cloud hosting, cloud software and cloud support.

Near-Life™ on G-Cloud 10

DTS’s Near-Life™ learning approach and management system allows trainers and coaches to deliver interactive and immersive video learning content. Course creators can also use it as an authoring tool to link with existing LMS systems.


  • Interactive video management system for creating realistic learning scenarios
  • LMS for creation and publishing of learning content
  • Reporting system allowing tracking of learner’s choices and decisions
  • Ability to publish courses as a progressive web app (PWA)


  • Makes learning more immersive, engaging and realistic
  • Tracks learning journeys and provides greater feedback around decision making
  • Provides greater intelligence around learning outcomes
  • Allows detailed report generation
  • Makes choices relevant for learners
  • Simulates time critical decision making processes

Why is G-Cloud 10 important?

Public sector organisations, including agencies and arm’s length bodies, can use the Digital Marketplace to find people and technology for digital projects.

If private businesses want to supply any of these things to government, they need to apply to be on the relevant framework.  The G-Cloud framework is a catalogue of services where the government and suppliers have pre-agreed the basic terms of use between them. As a result, buyers can buy services without running a full OJEU procurement process each time.

The G-Cloud 10 framework is now closed for supplier applications. The next G-Cloud framework is expected to open in 2019.

Need to find out more? Get in touch with our team.

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