Elearning trends and predictions 2021 | Near-Life™

Elearning trends and predictions for 2021

Male using VR headset

2020 was the year that changed pretty much everything. And elearning is no different.

As the majority of us have moved to work remotely, the need for immersive and engaging elearning tools has accelerated. Here’s what we’re predicting for 2021.

The long-term impact of Covid-19 on elearning

The pandemic meant that huge numbers of workers needed to swap their offices for their kitchen table or sofa to stay safe. Companies have had to rethink, retool and move away from traditional training for their staff. Without face-to-face contact, businesses are now spending more on virtual learning and a big concern for leadership teams is how to keep their workforce engaged; particularly as more employees are warming to remote working. In 2021, and for the foreseeable future, we expect to see even more companies adopting elearning tools.

Virtual Reality (VR) bringing us closer to reality…

Virtual Reality tech lets you interact in an artificial environment that’s designed to be just like real life. Now more than ever, it makes sense that VR will continue to develop in elearning platforms; rather than being just a fancy bit of kit on your favourite games console. Near-Life’s CREATOR VR software makes it simple to create your very own VR interactive scenarios that let users work their way through a variety of situations, wherever they are.

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Microlearning to become even more important

Microlearning breaks down your training into easier-to-digest modules. It certainly isn’t new to elearning, but as Covid-19 has encouraged even more organisations to make their training digital, having a method that’s flexible, accessible and increases knowledge retention will be more crucial than ever.

Work hard, play hard

It’s no secret; we all love a good game. That feeling of beating your best score and earning a reward keeps us all entertained. It makes total sense that the gamification of elearning is set to increase in 2021. We’re not suggesting that Tetris is going to find its way into your training modules, but, game elements in non-game activities can help to keep things interesting for the user and the provider. Elements like branching scenarios and our VR tool make it easy to include gamification in your next learning.

Content over everything

Whether it’s ways of working or safety protocols, a lot has changed in the past 12 months that we’ve all needed to keep up to date with. The need to quickly create tailored, relevant and engaging training materials is going to continue into 2021 and beyond. At Near-Life™ we’re here to help you and your team with a full suite of tools that are designed to enhance learning, cut costs and put you in control.

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